Monday, August 6, 2012

Belated Writing....

Hey everybody! So, anybody who actually reads a few sentences of at least two separate entries I have made on this blog, knows one thing. The posts are diverse, for the most part. Sometimes I do get stuck on attractive men. Whatever!! We all have our faults! I am however, posting to let anybody who cares or reads this blog, that I am going to have a story-time Tuesday for tomorrow! Score. Other than that, this is just a post informing everybody of that. Also, I am searching relentlessly for BBC Sherlock updates...and if I find any, you guys are the first to know. Anyways, I leave you with thoughts of handsome British men :)

Also, this song has been stuck in my head for two weeks now (yes, it is Kpop):

Also, go check out Simon and Martina's review of this song and music video!  It is a good one!