Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So I was thinking...

So I had this smart idea to blog, why? I am not quite sure just yet of the answer to that question. All I know is that I'm a 19 year old woman with lots of problems and a sarcastic sense of humor, who decided to bless you with both of these aforementioned items! Hooray! Isn't that exciting for you?

Well, I know that right now I am going through a rough phase. I was hurt in a cheer accident (yeah, cheer people, it has the highest rate of injury: even higher than football. Stick that in your juice box and suck it!) and my flyer (the girl in the air) came crashing down on me (the main base: I'm on bottom - and for all of you perverted minds out there, yeah, I thought that too, and I giggled a little before I typed it- anyways! The flyer came crashing down on me because the backspot (girl behind the whole stunt) pushed the flyer forward. Now for all you non-cheerleaders out there, that is a bad thing. You know usually you want to stay in the center of gravity in whatever you're doing on a day to day basis: walking, running, biking, and I'm guessing sex as well; however I digress. So Miss Flyer comes down, knees and elbows all raping my face and my face inside and out swelled up, and I couldn't talk. The next words that came out of my mouth were garbled and non-human. But, I'm very touchy and don't like people to try and comfort me when I'm hurt I just want to be left alone and deal with it.

So I continued with practice and got hit three more times in the same exact spot. Still couldn't talk. My mom picks me up 3 hours later, still couldn't talk. So, I get taken to the ER at 6:23 pm on September 13, 2006 and the circus ensues! Hypotheses flying! Fractured face, nerve damage, neck break/fracture, everything was a possibility. X-rays, Cat-scans, the works. Nothing could be found. So, neurologists, general doctors, dentists, facial/cranial doctors, everyone is working on me and throwing their 2 cents into the confusing medical cake batter options! Come to find, I have nerve damage in my face and head, and I have a blood vessel in the back of my head that isn't draining blood, as we found out through the numerous MRIs I had to have. I have all of these symptoms to this day, as well as a constant never-ending headache. I still have several doctors as well to this day. The thing that confused the doctors the most is that I couldn't talk. For 13 months of my life I couldn't talk, I turned 16 years old and couldn't talk.

After awhile, after physical therapy, two rounds of speech therapy, people started to think I was un pequeno loca en mi cabeza (a little crazy in my head). People started suggesting I see a therapist or a psychiatrist, etc. I refused because I knew that I wasn't faking. Everyone started to doubt me: even the people I was closest with, and I'm sure you all out there know how that feels. Anyways I started to get better, but then I got in a car accident 2 years ago that screwed me up again. I got better again.

Now 4 years later, still on meds, still have that constant headache, numbness on the right side of my face and tongue, and a bad necks and muscles around it, I was all good because I could talk. I just finished my first year of college, I've got a great job, and I have already found the love of my life (shut-up all you cynics! Don't judge). Yet, this past Friday, I got hurt again, and I am in so much pain, and my speech is, well, icky again. I am so frustrated.

Now why would you all care about this? I don't know. Some of you probably won't, but that doesn't matter. Why am I on here writing a blog at all? I don't know, that's what I'm here to find out. Maybe you guys will help me, maybe you won't, but I'm willing to take chances, go outside my comfort zone. Why? I'm kinky like that. Well, I guess this is all for today, since I kind of dump-truck unloaded on you guys (and when I say you guys, I mean the unfortunate few who will stumble across this blog I guess!) So, hope you like what you read, or at least find it interesting, and whatnot.

I'll be seeing you,

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