Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ah, the Airport.

So, hello, and here I am sitting in the airport next to my boyfriend. We got to the check-in at 8:10 a.m., and our flight leaves at 8:45 a.m. However, because we got there 40 minutes till the flight left and not 45 minutes before the flight left, we had to get booked to the next flight. This new flight leaves at 12:15 in the afternoon, and now instead of arriving in New Jersey at 4:38 p.m., we are now arriving at a little past 8 o'clock in the evening. Oh my. So, again, i say, here I am sitting in the airport next to my boyfriend, and I am people watching. Not creeper style, just people watching. It's so interesting to watch people and their habits. All the old ladies are eating a cinnabon (of course with a fork AND a knife!), blonde little things with their HUGE Tiffany's wedding rings and their iPhones, muscular guy having a cup of fruit...wait, WHAT? There is a tiny woman next to this muscular guy who is eating a burrito the size of Texas, and this man is eating a cup of fruit. What is wrong with this picture I ask of you? Those of you who are reading this, I am asking you this rhetorical question.

I love flying. LOVE it. The way taking off and landing tickles my stomach (yeah, I'm five), being in the air, just being up there. I feel amazing when I fly. It's open space to think, dream, and of course sleep! Really, though, what else can you do in the air but actually dream and evaluate yourself? Dream of things you never usually let yourself dream, it's quite freeing to be in the air. Anywhere is possible, and of course it is taking you someplace new or back to some place familiar. Or if you're going back to someplace that is suffocating, the air is a reprieve, a break, somewhere calm for you to take a break from it all and think how to approach the situation down on the ground.

Maybe I'm just rambling because I have a blog and I can, but I want to believe that this isn't the case. I want to believe that I'm typing these words because somewhere, someone out there will read this and it will affect them in some way, that I won't ever know about. Can you hear me?

I'm over the serious moment now. Anyways, moral of the story is airports suck, people act seem to act so differently in the airport (maybe because they are just being themselves and not putting on their daily facade for once, they're being normal), and I get serious in airports. What are your thoughts? Am I speaking crazy-talk, or does someone agree with me? It's weird that I'm talking to people I don't even know, or people that probably aren't even there. Ha, joke is on me I guess! Well, have a lovely day all and I will probably blog once again during this 4 hour wait. Look for me!

I'll be seeing you,

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