Sunday, July 22, 2012

Musings & Such

So, it has been quite some time since I have written on this blog, and I am quite sure that no has read this blog in that time frame. However, I am still going to utilize this blog as an outlet for myself, and for anyone who just needs to know that they aren't alone in their frustrations, realizations, and trials in their life. Right now, I am currently about to enter my senior year of college (despite still looking like a 15 year old)! Yet, now I am more unsure about what my purpose is in the future more than ever! I honestly would love to hear if anybody else is feeling that way, or is it just me?? Eh, who knows! Now, time for a confession. I am addicted to Korean media. Korean music, Korean dramas, Korean fashion, the list is never-ending at this moment in time. And I am going to throw out a few Korean songs that I cannot stop listening to, as well as a few dramas that I am watching.

Korean Songs:
-PSY - Gangnam Style
-Junsu - Intoxication (I must warn the ladies, your ovaries will explode listening to this song, ridiculous!)
-Hyuna - Bubble Pop (The music video I wouldn't suggest watching because it kind of ruins the "aegyo" of the song)

Korean Dramas:
-I Do, I Do! (Not sure how I feel about this one yet)
-Scent of a Woman (Just finished watching this, AMAZING!!!)

Basically, right now I am watching anything with Lee Dong-Wook (he was the lead in Scent of a Woman) in it, and just in case you do not know who he is, please refer to the resources below :)

(Images from:

Now, I understand that Korean men, are not for everybody, but please, all of you sleep-deprived, going out of your mind, and overworked college women out there, please do not deny yourself the visual experience of this lovely man. Now, I think I should resign from this blog now, or I am going to go on and on about lovely Korean men. Maybe next week (or tomorrow, who knows), a request for a Korean actor eye-candy can be taken? Or a drama or song to review? I am open for requests!!

Good-bye fellow friends!

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