Monday, July 23, 2012

Brown Eyed Girls & Met

Brown Eyed Girls - One Summer Night

Met - Trolley

As I sit here stressed, frazzled, and losing my marbles trying to figure out which organization I should go through to teach in South Korea next year, I find myself calmed by these songs. To me, these music videos remind me to put all the effort I can into each moment of life, because when I look back on those moments, I want to happy (Brown Eyed Girls). Not regretful, like with Met (look up the lyrics of the song, they are sad. Also, language warning)! I know it seems utterly ridiculous to make a connection like that with songs, but, I do. I hope you guys enjoyed this small little entry, and let me know what you want me to talk about for the next entry. Also, let me know what you guys find interesting so that I don't ramble on with nonsense. Which I will do, if you couldn't tell already. You can ask me any questions! I will try and answer as best as I can!

I have a side project going on about learning how to draw anime/manga characters. So far all I have is an eye, which I will show everyone, just in case anyone cares. Here goes nothing! (Yes, I know this is drawn on lined paper. Sue me!) 

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