Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Story-Time Tuesdays? Is this a thing?

Story-Time Tuesdays!!! Stop it Gretchen, you can never make "Story-Time Tuesdays" a thing. Mean Girls, anyone? So, little known fact, I am actually a senior in college finishing my undergraduate bachelor's degree in Pre-Medicine (Emphasis in biology). Naturally, my thoughts have been on medical school, and the time, effort, tears, and ridiculous requirements needed to get into medical school. One of the not so outrageous requirements is shadowing a physician. Now, I know a general surgeon who has known me since my Aladar fetus stage in life (Dinosaur anyone? Any '90s kids out there?!?), and he agreed to let me shadow him in the clinic and in the operating room. 
Awesome, right? Haha, not so fast there children. 

It was my first day shadowing this doctor in the operating room, and the first surgery was at 7:30 a.m. (approximately). This is already an ungodly hour of the morning, and on top of being nervous-ecstatic about being in the OR for the first time, I stupidly and irrationally decided not to have breakfast. Yeah, I know you guys sitting behind your laptop screens are snarking, smirking, and giggling at me saying, "Look at this chick, not eating before going in to stand watching surgeries...wait, seriously? Is she serious right now?". Well, shut your faces! I am here to tell you a story, a great and hilarious story that I shall tell you in...CARTOON DRAWINGS! Your favorite, right? I know, I know, calm yourselves. 

Come to the storyboard with me:

Yeah...that was embarrassing. And the fact that I spelled "embarrassment" wrong on the second page is even worse. It is midnight, and I am doing the best I can here, just tell me it will be okay! 

Now the question is: What is your Story-Time Tuesday story?? Share with me in the comments or however you wish. Wait, this is the Internet, so I am going to take that last part back and just say leave it to the comment section for now. Now I'm done. 


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