Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sick Blog...No, Really.

This week I have been sick. With conjunctivitis in my right eye that eventually became infected, and essentially just gross. Therefore, sorry to anybody who reads this blog and was expecting something more to be posted this week. So, I finally have eye-medicine to make my eye as good as new??? Now, while being sick, I started to think sick-y, insomnia-y, and delusional thoughts. My brain was making weird connections, and my best friend's brain was as well (due to her being sick the same time I was...YAY FOR FRIEND TELEPATHY!!!). These upcoming drawings are just a peek into our sick brains, and not much else. So enjoy!

Come to the story board with me:

Sorry guys, this is all I have got for you right now. Again, these drawings are just the thoughts of sick people. Thank you guys for reading! Also, let me know if you want me to talk about something specific, review any kind of media, or review just Korean media :) Goodbye my friends!


1) I got best friend and her roommate into "Scent of a Woman" the Korean drama!
2) Monsoon season here! Bring on the wind, rain, and more heat (IT IS RAINING RIGHT NOW)!
3) It is so hot here, my eyelids have become a slip 'n' slide for sweat. Awesome.

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